Constantia Home Care Offers:
- Affordable Care
- Peace of mind
- The perfect alternative to a care home
- Enabling equality & diversity
- Promoting independence in your own home
Care from £739.00 per week
Constantia Home Care is a live-in care agency, where we take the time to understand the personal needs of each client before selecting the best carer to meet their needs and life style.
We offer a 24/7 one-to-one service shaped by each client’s situation and needs, encompassing diversity therefore enabling their independence and daily freedom of choice.
Aims and Objectives of the Service
- Constantia Home Care aims to provide the highest quality of care to our clients, their families or representatives.
- To place the client first at all times.
- To be courteous, polite and empathic in all of our affairs.
- To safeguard clients and staff from harm or abuse.
- To deliver services which fully reflect the needs, wishes and preferences of our clients and carers.
- To promote and enhance the independence of our clients
- To provide a service which is professional and trustworthy.
- To involve and listen to our clients, their families, and representatives.
- To promote an ethos of values which respect the diverse and cultural differences of our clients and the community.
We feel that open and honest communication is essential to giving the level of service we feel our clients deserve and is essential to running a competent and reliable live-in care service.
Every client has a Care Co-ordinater assigned to them. The role of the Care Coordinator is to liaise and collate information from each of our carers. They make continual ongoing care assessments and as family you will form part of any decisions taken going forward, as to will the person being cared for.

Our Core Values
- Privacy – Ensuring service users have the right to be left alone and undisturbed whenever they wish, and where possible to manage their own affairs
- Choice – Ensuring service users get the right help and support which enables them to make choices and express preferences.
- Dignity – Understanding the service users’ needs and treating them with respect, valuing each person as an individual.
- Rights – Ensuring all basic human-rights are respected and protecting our service users against discrimination.
- Independence – Assisting service users to take measured risk, to make their own decisions and ultimately act for themselves where capacity allows.
- Inclusion – Enabling our service users to remain as valued citizens within their local communities and maintain friendships.
- Fulfillment – Enabling service users, where possible, to realize their own aims and helping them to achieve their goal in all aspects of their daily living.
- Enablement – Supporting clients to retain their current level of independence to protect dignity and self-esteem.
0207 624 9866
Staff Support
Our office line is available 24/7 with at least three members of our team covering any of the out of hour lines to offer support and guidance should you need it.
Each care coordinator has an office line, accessed by calling our direct line and also a work mobile which the client can use to text or email at anytime.